29 October 2014

Portrait of Sophi Reinholt - Graphite on Arches Watercolour Paper

Carolin Prinn, Portrait of Sophi Karin Reinholt, pencil on arches watercolour paper, 315 x 340 mm.

My finished pencil portrait of Sophi Reinholt. Sophi currently works on The Renegade Peach Project  and ZHIZHY and is a talented photographer and videographer.

1 October 2014

Entrance To The Secret Worlds: A Collection of Works in Pen & Ink

Carolin Prinn, All But What We Wished, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 245mm x 340mm

Carolin Prinn, That River Has Flowed With The Flickered Fish of Nostalgia, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 245mm x 310mm

Carolin Prinn, We All Must Move On For The Swing At The End of The World, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 256mm x 340mm

Carolin Prinn, The Ladder We Rushed But In Our Haste Was Beauty Lost?, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 255mm x 340mm

Carolin Prinn, Exiting The Cave, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 245mm x 342mm

Carolin Prinn, We Wish, Exists, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 305 x 248mm

Carolin Prinn, The Council, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 304mm x 255mm

Carolin Prinn, Not So Simple, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 253 x 245mm

These works are an exploration of philosophical theory and their relevance and perhaps importance in today's modern world. There is a humanistic element to them and a deep interest in the various constructs of society and human behavior. Imbued with symbolic notations, allegorical characters and cascading movement, I hope to inspire analysis on these subjects while also instilling a sense of beauty and fantasy.

For inquiries about available original works and prices, please email me @ carolinprinn@gmail.com

Limited Edition Prints of the works (Ed. of 30) are available through my website.