Carolin Prinn, The Actions From Which Hope Emerged, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 297 x 420 mm
Carolin Prinn, Niljora & Rachmaninov At The Clock, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 297 x 420 mm
Carolin Prinn, Niljora & The Fall of The Great Grandfather Clock, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 297 x 420 mm
Painting studies begun in the studio
New works hung at Deluxe, Wellington
It's been a productive and fortuitous past few weeks, as always in the autumn for me. I found out my Portrait of Lance from the Adam Portraiture Award & Exhibition with The N.Z.P.G will be touring, among select others, for the next 18 months. I also am holding an exhibition of new Pen & Ink works at Deluxe. From the beautiful new studio I'll be staying for the next several months, I have begun two new canvases, one for a self portrait and one a life study before I move into two interconnected large scale painting series. I am also half way through the first large scale pen and ink drawing and have continued my research and refinement for the first chapter of my novel and world, The Islands of Niljora©.