29 October 2014

Portrait of Sophi Reinholt - Graphite on Arches Watercolour Paper

Carolin Prinn, Portrait of Sophi Karin Reinholt, pencil on arches watercolour paper, 315 x 340 mm.

My finished pencil portrait of Sophi Reinholt. Sophi currently works on The Renegade Peach Project  and ZHIZHY and is a talented photographer and videographer.

1 October 2014

Entrance To The Secret Worlds: A Collection of Works in Pen & Ink

Carolin Prinn, All But What We Wished, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 245mm x 340mm

Carolin Prinn, That River Has Flowed With The Flickered Fish of Nostalgia, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 245mm x 310mm

Carolin Prinn, We All Must Move On For The Swing At The End of The World, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 256mm x 340mm

Carolin Prinn, The Ladder We Rushed But In Our Haste Was Beauty Lost?, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 255mm x 340mm

Carolin Prinn, Exiting The Cave, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 245mm x 342mm

Carolin Prinn, We Wish, Exists, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 305 x 248mm

Carolin Prinn, The Council, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 304mm x 255mm

Carolin Prinn, Not So Simple, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 253 x 245mm

These works are an exploration of philosophical theory and their relevance and perhaps importance in today's modern world. There is a humanistic element to them and a deep interest in the various constructs of society and human behavior. Imbued with symbolic notations, allegorical characters and cascading movement, I hope to inspire analysis on these subjects while also instilling a sense of beauty and fantasy.

For inquiries about available original works and prices, please email me @ carolinprinn@gmail.com

Limited Edition Prints of the works (Ed. of 30) are available through my website.

13 September 2014

Entrance To The Secret Worlds: An Exhibition

The works go up tomorrow afternoon. If you are in Wellington, be sure to come by and see my new series of pen and ink works alongside Laura Walker's beautiful gold and copper leaf paper works.

Carolin Prinn & Laura Walker

Entrance To The Secret Worlds
Deluxe, 10 Kent Terrace, Wellington
14 – 28 September

'Entrance To The Secret Worlds' is a two person exhibition featuring the intricate drawings and works of Carolin Prinn & Laura Walker. The two utilize a high level of detail to different effect; The one purely aesthetic and the latter deeply symbolic, together an Entrance To The Secret Worlds.

25 August 2014

The Works of Winter in an Enchanted Studio

It has been a busy few months with so many projects being wrapped up and new ones being created, I thought I might share a few notes. On the right, my first large-scale pen and ink ready to head off to the framers. On the desk, eight small pen and ink works almost ready to frame for a 2 person show (at Deluxe, 14 - 28 September). On the left, the underdrawing is complete for my oil painting and ready for the first layer. This work is part of a series that has been brewing in my mind for a long time. 

I am essentially working on three series in three different mediums at once. My pen & ink works I see as living in a Platonic World of Ideas. Meanwhile, the oil works are more like philosophy at play in reality, which creates this new sense of relationship with and particular sensitivity to my subjects, who are all modelled from real life poses and props. 

These series both continue my usual themes including the strength of the 'story', the 'repetition of history', the philosophical ideal, with both playful and satirical notes. 

I look forward to returning to my acrylic works later this year which I see as the meeting place between these two.

29 April 2014

New Works, Shows and Places

 Carolin Prinn, The Actions From Which Hope Emergedpen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 297 x 420 mm

Carolin Prinn, Niljora & Rachmaninov At The Clock, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 297 x 420 mm

Carolin Prinn, Niljora & The Fall of The Great Grandfather Clock, pen and ink on canson c à grain paper, 297 x 420 mm

Painting studies begun in the studio

New works hung at Deluxe, Wellington

It's been a productive and fortuitous past few weeks, as always in the autumn for me. I found out my Portrait of Lance from the Adam Portraiture Award & Exhibition with The N.Z.P.G will be touring, among select others, for the next 18 months. I also am holding an exhibition of new Pen & Ink works at Deluxe. From the beautiful new studio I'll be staying for the next several months, I have begun two new canvases, one for a self portrait and one a life study before I move into two interconnected large scale painting series. I am also half way through the first large scale pen and ink drawing and have continued my research and refinement for the first chapter of my novel and world, The Islands of Niljora©.

8 April 2014

New Pen and Ink Work

Carolin Prinn, Niljora & the Fall of The Grandfather Clock, pen & ink on canson c a grain paper, 297 x 420 mm

Capturing a story from my epic in development, The Stories of Niljora©. A glimpse into my world. Relating the characters into these flattened planes of pen & inks makes their primordial nature even stronger, a kind of lyrical and hieroglyphic storytelling.

30 March 2014

NZPG Exhibition Opening - ADAM Portraiture Award & Touring Exhibition 2014

Just a few shots from the opening and a pic with the model himself. So honoured for my work to be hung alongside such accomplished painters.

25 February 2014

Portrait of Mark Russell - Graphite on Arches Watercolour Paper

Carolin Prinn, Portrait of Mark Russell, pencil on Arches watercolour paper, 44 x 38 cm.

A pencil portrait commissioned of Mark Russell, a Wellington based freelance filmer & photographer for Adventure Artists

20 February 2014

Portrait of Lance Ravenswood - Oil on Belgian Linen

Carolin Prinn, Portrait of Lance Ravenswood, oil on belgian linen, 70 x 100 cm

So I painted this one up in time to enter into Wellington's premiere portraiture gallery. Lance has been fortunate to have two portraits done this year. I could hardly believe when I got the letter of acceptance. I'm a chosen finalist for the 2014 ADAM Portraiture Award and will be included on an 18 month national tour through The New Zealand Portrait Gallery which will begin with The PAH Homestead, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre. The opening was fantastic with such a lovely variation of works!

Show runs at the NZPG in Wellington / 20 February - 25th May

29 January 2014

Excerpts From The Large Sketchbook

Ideas are running around my head for my next acrylic series while I am busy getting larger in scale with my pen and inks. I am having another show mid-year in Wellington I am often asked what my work is about as it's quite cryptic and metaphoric. So I thought of a metaphor to describe it...

It's like Socrates and Aristotle arguing on opposite sides of a great table enveloped by a map of the world.

Yes, that works.