11 December 2012

Pen&Ink Series: The Beauty and The Terrible Beast.

A landscape pen and ink
portraying a familiar tale
who is the monster this time?

- Carolin Prinn, Beauty and The Terrible Beast, pen & ink on canson "c" à grain paper, 297 x 420 mm -

19 November 2012

Pen & Ink Series

A first small drawing to set off
an entire series of pen and ink worlds.
so much more to venture.

- Carolin Prinn, Run Away With Me, pen and ink on paper, 150 x 200 mm -

28 October 2012

Graphite Drawings

A small series of graphite drawings.
The first three exhibited at August in Wellington in June this year.
If you would like to purchase the originals 
feel free to contact me.

- Carolin Prinn, Graphite Series #1-4, pencil on paper, 297 x 420 mm -

11 October 2012


Small design projects 
done in Wellington.
Album design and poster.

- Designs, graphite and digital. -

9 October 2012

Learning from the Masters

Master Study
Man in a Red Turban after Jan Van Eyck
oil on panel
11 x 8.5 in.

Master Study
Springtime, after Pierre Auguste Cot
charcoal on paper
30 x 24 in.

Master Study
Automedon with the Horses of Achilles, after Henri Regnault
pencil on paper
24 x 20 in.

Master Study
Eternal Springtime, after Rodin
pencil on paper
30 x 24 in.

Sketch from Detail from a large scale Neo-Classical painting
30 x 24 in,

After a 19th century bronze
pencil on paper
17 x 11 in.

Some studies I have done learning from the Masters.
Teaching myself on my frequent trips to the MFA in my hometown of Boston.
One from the Getty Museum in L.A.
One painting in the style of Jan Van Eyck.
Drawing from paintings and sculpture, I taught myself form.

4 September 2012

Sketchbook excerpts

clockwise my love. 2012

very wise. 7.12

unmasked and touched. 7.12

here, on the edge of the world i found you. 21.7.12

clearly now, what the fool. 22.7.12

tidal zone, devour me, goodbye. 24.8.12

im coming out. 2.9.12

Excerpts taken from my sketchbook at the moment,
Just a few sketches and ideas in progress 
from over the past couple months.
The characters have taken on 
dreamy, tragic and unleashing qualities.

20 June 2012

Concept Art- In Digital

The Factory of Rachmaninov

The Venetian, Malaviga

Niljora at the edge of the Proverbial City

I have been always writing a story.
What for I am not sure yet but it
is gently refining itself and clarifying the world to me
and my obsession with the power of story.
These are some concepts I have created alongside.
I live in an allegory.

- All images and names copyright under Carolin Prinn -