16 March 2011

Portraits from Ko Chang

Became restless and needed to draw someone
In Ko Chang Thailand
Created these tiny portraits of the people I met.
Cannot forget the intoxicating magic of that time
motorbike rides and coconut shakes.

Renata, Yossi, Adam, Bjorn & Hobbe, pencil in sketchbook, 100 x 140 mm

15 March 2011


Sketchook excerpts
Maybe I will flesh out as gouache and coloured pencil works. 
Traveling through Southeast Asia the past four months
I have had a lot of ideas without the time,
My sketchbook is packed and nicely falling apart.
The first picture was drawn on an e-ticket
I ran out of paper on an island sans art shop.

14 March 2011

Concept Art for The Island of Niljora

Getting lost in my island world again,
Bit more fantastical than the story I am writing
But that's alright,
Will I ever write it all? 
An illustrated novel or even a film,